Critter's Lodge ~ An Aviation Preserve  

Critters Lodge Fall Fly-In


October 18, 19, & 20, 2024

This fly-in will have additional speakers that should

 be of great interest to most aviators.


Mark Your Calendars - Let Your Friends Know 








Join us in our overnight Fly-In and camp out!! Event will BEGIN on FRIDAY EVENING with 
our Kickoff Dinner at 6:30. The fly-in will end SUNDAY MORNING AFTER BREAKFAST. 

For those who like to camp out we offer camping facilities with restrooms (No Port-O-Lets), 
solar outdoor showers, firewood, Wi-Fi, and LOTS OF GOOD FOOD.
Reserved camping spaces are limited. Trailers and RV's must not exceed 34 feet in length.  
Reserved trailer and RV parking with 30 amps hookups are $20.00, and 20A. service $10.00. 
To reserve parking space contact us at or call 903-536-7000. All
unreserved trailers & RVs, without facilities are $10.00.  For camping with your tent and/or 
airplane it is on a first come basis.  Additionally, we offer 30+ acres of pasture parking (adjacent to the runway). 

Critter's Lodge is located on the Houston Sectional Chart near the 30-degree radial out of Leona identified as "Dillard Airport" (TE01). 
Runway is Packed turf, 3,100-foot lighted runway, elevation 255 ft.  We MONITOR 122.9 ~ Land and taxi at your own risk, trees on
both sides and end of runway. The runway is suitable for piston driven aircraft 12,500 pounds or less. Taxi and park in mowed areas only.
 Follow signage to proper parking area to avoid back taxi.

If you have an unusual aircraft (war bird, etc.) or would like to locate near a special friend(s) please let us 
know in advance. We will do all we can to accommodate you.                      

                                   To contact us call: 903-536-7004/Hangar, 903-536-7000/Home. 

               We Support EAA – AOPA – CAP – ABS

                             Leona VOR 110.8   032 degrees~15 nm Lat. N31 – 18.27 Lon. 95 – 47.71

Visual Flying Note:  If you follow Hwy 7 between Crockett and Centerville, at intersection of the Trinity River and Hwy. 7, 
airfield is 6.5 miles west.  Look for 499’ tower, right side, See sectional chart.  Turn south one-half nm. 
Both runways left hand traffic.  Runway 3100', 70' wide.  Tree-to-tree 100 feet. Taxi only in mowed identified areas. 
For safety ALL aircraft must have radio contact (122.9) with controller prior to entering pattern.




Critter's Lodge has a beautiful grass, lighted runway, located near Centerville, Texas.  Wendell Dillard is continuing to develop the property to incorporate the rough and rustic pioneer enviroment that can be enjoyed by aviation friends on special occasions.  For information on private camping and the facilities, Call us  903-536-7000 Home  or  903-536-7004 Hangar.  Please leave message if no answer we will be happy to call you back.

Special aviation speakers will be present.

Special aviation speakers will be present.
